(425) 774-4141 http://www.HarrisIsuzu.com For a selection of new and used vehicle prices in Lynnwood, WA near Kirkland, WA, check out Harris Isuzu's inventory of Isuzu vehicles today. For all the amenities of a new Isuzu N-Series without the price tag, get a low mileage used N-Series. Harris Isuzu is located at 20006 64th Ave W. Lynnwood, WA 98036, a short distance for those in the Lynnwood, WA and Seattle, WA areas. Visit us at http://www.HarrisIsuzu.com to browse our inventory, or call (425) 774-4141 to find out more!
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- Seattle, Lynnwood, Kirkland, Harris Isuzu, Isuzu, N-Series