Maruti Suzuki has launched a number of updates for the mid-spec ‘Zeta’ variant of the Ignis hatchback. The new Maruti Suzuki Ignis Zeta is now offered with a new price tag of Rs 5.98 lakh; a price hike of Rs 9,000 from the previous amount.
For the additional price, Maruti Suzuki has packed the mid-spec trim of the Ignis with a host of new features and equipment, making it more attractive than before. Watch the video to know all the details of the Maruti Suzuki Ignis variant update.
For the additional price, Maruti Suzuki has packed the mid-spec trim of the Ignis with a host of new features and equipment, making it more attractive than before. Watch the video to know all the details of the Maruti Suzuki Ignis variant update.